Turkey Rice and Chicken Rogan Josh


My mother-in-law passed me some turkey carcass from the Christmas leftovers which I promptly used to make a stock using the brand spanking new slow cooker we got at Christmas. I used the stock and turkey fat to make the turkey rice.  The Rogan Josh chicken is a mild  indian curry that uses yogurt, tomatoes and spices.


Filed under Chicken, Main Dish, Rice

2 responses to “Turkey Rice and Chicken Rogan Josh

  1. Ummu Kulthum

    salam Mak Long
    dah lama x menjenguk blog nie. Alhamdulillah hari ini masih diberi kesempatan.

  2. Assalam mak long ,mcm sedap je yang ni.hehe boleh la cuba nanti kat rumah mana resepinya..

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